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Q: What do you call spinning in place?
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What do you call a planet spinning on it's axis?

A planet spinning on it's axis is called rotation

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How can the sun be out in the day?

The sun is "out" all the time ... 24/7/365 .You're sitting on the Earth, which is spinning and taking you with it as it spins.When you happen to be in a place turned so that you can see the sun, you call that "day".When you happen to be in a place turned so that you can'tsee the sun, you call that "night".

What do you call spinning in a counterclockwise direction?

Its known as a `retrograde` rotation,

What do you call a person who spins wool at spindle?

I believe you are talking about the Cotton Gin.

What are the advantages of the Spinning Jenny?

The spinning jenny produced yarn faster. The spinning jenny also made it easier to spin yarn. It took the place of people who had to spin the yarn.

What is the spinning rotation of a planetb from east to west called?

They call that retrograde motion

By the late 1700s the best place to find a water frame and a spinning mule was in?

The best place to find a water frame and spinning mule by the late 1700s was a factory. The machines were used for the textile industry.

How do you get the spinning green star emble in MW2?

You have to call in a Tactical Nuke when your team is LOSING to get it

What do you call a pan spinning through space?

a unidentified frying object! hope that helped!!

What type of energy is being transferred when a spinning top is in use?

A spinning top is a moving mass, and this represents a form of mechanical energy we call kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion.

Do the stars move from one place to other?

No, It`s an illusion caused by the spinning earth.