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Q: What do you call hitting a baseball lightly swinging the bat without?
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Why do they hang ks upside down in baseball?

They hang ks upside down in baseball to show that the batter was struck out without swinging the bat

What does bunting mean?

bunt : to strike or push with horns or head, same as "butt" It can also mean to hit a Baseball without swinging the bat, but I don't think that is what you're looking for!

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18 games with the Diamond Backs

Most times hitting a balloon without it hitting the ground?

2300 times

How do you score without hitting the ball in baseball?

Getting walked would be one way. 4 bad pitched balls, take your base.

How do you pierce your tongue without hitting a vein?

there are no vains

What can you break without hitting or dropping?

anything! u can slice, rip, or bend basicl anything. like a baseball....u can rip it apart if u just use a knife

What does once lightly mean?

"Once lightly" can mean doing something in a gentle or delicate manner, without applying too much pressure or force. For example, you might lightly tap someone's shoulder once to get their attention.

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you cant

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"You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a moron" is a figure of speech. It means you can't do something stupid without expecting it to affect yourself.

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Without evolution, the human race would still be swinging through the trees.

How do you get rid of someone that is hitting on your girlfriend without killing him?

Punch them and get it into their head?