

What do water waves carry?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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Q: What do water waves carry?
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What are 3 mediums that can carry sound waves?

Earth, air, and water can carry sound waves.

What do waves carry?

energy, and water

How are rouge waves and tunamis alike?

They are both waves and carry water

All waves carry what forward?


What do mechanical waves carry?

Mostly energy, but they also carry a small amount of momentum and, in some cases, angular momentum.

In terms of source what is the difference and similarities of sound waves and water waves?

Sound waves and water waves are similar in that they are both caused by vibrations and carry energy. They are different in that a sound waves are three dimensional, while water waves are just two dimensional.

What do waves carry that is common to all waves?

All waves carry energy.

How are waves carry?

Sound waves are carried throw the air. But sound waves can also travel throw liquids, such as water, and even through solids.

What do waves carry through the ocean?

Water, sometimes animals, and sea salt.

Why do waves carry?

waves carry by energy and the energy is gravatational

Do waves carry sound?

Yes, waves do carry sound.

What are two types of waves that carry energy?

As far as I know, ALL waves carry energy.As far as I know, ALL waves carry energy.As far as I know, ALL waves carry energy.As far as I know, ALL waves carry energy.