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About his mom

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Q: What did mtisha confront slam about at the beginning of the chapter in slam by Walter dean Myers?
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Who is slams girlfriend in the book Slam?

slam`s girlfriend is Mtisha

What is the conflict with his girl in Slam by Walter Dean Myers?

The conflict in "Slam" revolves around the main character, Greg "Slam" Harris, trying to balance his passion for basketball with his relationship with his girlfriend, Mtisha. Mtisha believes Slam prioritizes basketball over her, leading to tension and disagreements between them. Slam must navigate this conflict as he pursues his dreams on the court while also striving to support Mtisha and their relationship.

Who told Mtisha Slam and Kicky were kissing?


Did mtisha and Greg break up in the book slam?

yes they did break up, but they get back together at the end. :)

What is the climax of slam by Walter Dean Myers?

The climax of "Slam" by Walter Dean Myers occurs when Slam faces a critical moment in a basketball game where he must make a choice between staying true to himself and his values or succumbing to the pressures of his environment. It is a pivotal moment that forces Slam to confront his identity and make a decision that will shape his future.

What are the chapter summaries in Slam written by Walter Dean Myers?

The novel "Slam" by Walter Dean Myers is a story about an African American teenage athlete by the name of Greg. Greg is a highschool student and a star basketball player at his highschool. Greg is so good in basketball he earned the nickname "Slam." Greg lives in the ghettos of New York with his younger brother and mother. His best friend in the story is Benny 'Ice' Reese and his girlfriend is Mtisha. The problem Greg faces in the story is doing well in school, playing basketball to his best ability, and maintaining a good relationship with his girlfriend Mtisha. Greg has to make a decision whether he will take his moms advice and do well in school or go to a school across town that he knew he wouldn't fit in. Greg is only a highschool student but has a lot on his plate. Greg's neighborhood is filled with ghetto crime.

What is the theme in Slam by Walter Dean Myers?

The theme of "Slam" by Walter Dean Myers revolves around overcoming obstacles, making positive choices, and the power of perseverance. The protagonist, Greg "Slam" Harris, navigates through challenges such as family dynamics, academic struggles, and peer pressure, ultimately finding his own identity and purpose through his passion for basketball. The novel emphasizes the importance of personal growth, self-discovery, and believing in oneself.

What are all the characters in slam?

The characters in Slam include major and minor individuals, as well as animals: 1. Slam (Greg Harris), Mavis Harris ( Mom) Dad, Derek, Grandmother Ellie, Akbar, Salty (the Pit Bull), Mr. Tate, Mr. Goldstein, Coach Nipper, Ducky. Jimmy Ellis, Nick Young, IBenny Reese (Ice) , Joe Crayton, Billy Giles, Mtisha, Mrs. Clark (Mitsha's Mother), Trip (basketball player) ,Marge (Slam's partner in the photo essay assignment), Karen (student) Mr. Penny (history teacher), Joe Ming, Charley, Movalli, Ritchie Randall (tutor), Bianca and Kicky (girls in the car), Miss Meade, Vicky (puerto Rican and fine), Mr. Parrish (video department chariman), Carl (owned a Curio Shop), Mrs. Ewing, Kenny Stith (played with Knicks and in Spain), Mr. Greene (math teacher), Sam (Owns Sam's Fish Box Resturant), Mrs Reese (Ice's Mother), Willie King (ex basketball player who fell into trouble), Abdul (a guy from the street), Tony Fornay (basketball player), Linda Yu, Latin and several other basketball players from various teams that Latimer played.