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There are ways to look at situations both negative and positive. If you try out for a sport and do not make the varsity then it might reveal a different talent.

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Q: What did Michael Jordan mean when he said Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation?
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Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation?

Michael Jordan said it

Who said Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation?

Michael Jordan.

Would a positive multiplied by a negative be a positive?

No. A positive times a negative is always negative. A negative times a negative is always a positive.

When dividing a positive number by a positive number the quotient is?

The answer is always positive. If the signs are the same (positive by positive, negative by negative), then the quotient is always positive. If the signs are different (positive by negative, negative by positive), then the quotient is always negative.

When you divide a negative with negative do you get a positive or negative?

always a positive

When a negative number is subtracted from a positive number is the difference always positive?

Yes, a negative number subtracted from a positive number will always be positive. Subtracting a negative number is the same as adding the opposite of the negative number. The opposite of a negative number is always positive. A positive number plus a positive number is always positive.

Does a positive minus a negative equal a positive or negative?

Always positive.

What is positive 6 times negative 2?

-12A negative times a positive is always a negative.A negative times a negative is always positive.

How do you work out how to times a positive number by a negative number?

A positive number times a positive number will always get you a positive number A negative number times a negative number will always get you a positive number (same signs will get you a positive number) but A positive number times a negative number will always get you a negative number or A negative number times a positive number will always get you a negative number (different signs will get you a negative number)

Why is the sum of two negative integers always negative?

They are always negative due to a negative plus a negative equaling a negative. It's similar to a positive plus a positive equaling a positive.

What conditions make G always negative?

G is always negative when H is negative and S is positive.

Is a positive number and a negative number will always be negative?

A positive number multiplied by a negative number will always result in a negative number.