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Q: What date do the special Olympics take place?
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Where did the first special Olympics take place?

The Special Olympics is held around the University of Nebraska Lincoln and the Lincoln community.

What date is the summer Olympics?

The 2012 London Summer Olympics take place from 27 July to 12 August.

What date does the Olympics take place?

it starts on the 27th of July till the 12 of august 2012

What month do the Olympics take place?

The Summer Olympics normally take place in late July or early August. The Winter Olympics take place in February.

Where many Olympics take place?

The Olympics take place every how many year?

In what month did the ancient Olympics take place?

The Olympics take place in August

Where is the next venue of Olympics?

The 2016 Olympics will take place in Rio and the 2018 winter Olympics will take place in South Korea.

How frequently does the Summer Olympics take place?

The Summer Olympics take place every four years.

Where did the 1953 Winter Olympics take place?

The Winter Olympics did not take place in 1953. They took place in 1952 in Oslo, Norway.

Where will summer Olympics take place?

=The summer Olympics takes place in a part of a world such as last year it happened at Beijing, China and the next Olympics will take place at London=

Were does the Olympics take place?

The Olympics takes place in a different country everytime it's on.

Where did the 1953 Olympics take place?

There were no Olympics held in 1953.