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Q: What are the properties of mechanical waves?
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What do sound waves have that other waves don't?

They have the ability to trigger vibrations in our auditory organs. Other properties of sound waves are shared with mechanical waves.

Are all waves mechanical waves?

maybe? ----- No, you are forgetting about electromagnetic radiation such as a light, radio, x-rays, and so on that also have wave properties. Mechanical waves are able to travel through matter but electromagnetic waves can travel in a vacuum.

Does the speed of a wave depend on the medium it is moving through?

Yes. The speed of mechanical waves, like sound and seismic, depends on the mechanical properties of the medium. The speed of electromagnetic waves, like light and radio, depends on the electrical properties of the medium.

When waves travelling from one medium to another medium its speed changeswhy?

The speed of a mechanical wave depends on the mechanical properties of the medium. When the mechanical properties of the medium change, the speed of the mechanical wave changes as a result. The speed of an electromagnetic wave depends on the electrical properties of the medium. When the electrical properties of the medium change, the speed of the electromagnetic wave changes as a result.

Is sound waves mechanical or waves?


Light and sound waves have many similar properties however light waves are what while sound waves are what?

Light waves are eletromagnetic waves and sound waves are mechanical waves. Additionally, a light wave is a transverse wave that does not require a medium through which to travel. Sound waves, on the other hand, are longitudinal waves where the source transfers the mechanical energy of the sound wave into the medium so it can travel.

How em waves different from mechanical waves?

Mechanical waves require a medium while Electromagnetic waves does not.

What do you call waves that require a medium A electromagnetic waves or B mechanical waves?

Mechanical waves, shock waves, etc.

Is a sound wave mechanical or electromagnetic?

Seismic waves are mechanical waves.

What is non mechanical wave?

Non mechanical waves are Eletro magnetic waves. We can devide 2 waves. 1 is mechanical waves & 2 is electromagnetic waves. For example Sound is a mechanical wave & Light is an electromagnetic wave.

How are em waves different from mechanical waves?

mechanical waves need a medium to travel through, electromagnetic waves do not. Electromagnetic waves can travel through space, mechanical waves can not.:PElectromagnetic waves do not require a medium, but mechanical waves do.

Sound waves are examples of what?

sound waves are a example of mechanical waves