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Chicago: 16' ball with no gloves.

Maine & Alaska: play in the snow.

California : OTL don't use gloves or run the bases

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Ole Champlin

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2y ago
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9y ago

Chicago: 16' ball with no gloves.

Maine & Alaska: play in the snow.

California : OTL don't use gloves or run the bases

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Q: What are the official regulations for an official softball?
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What is heavier a baseball or softball?

An official baseball is 5 oz. and an Official Softball is 6.8oz.

What is part of the official softball uniform?

Caps are also part of an official softball uniform.

What is the weight of a softball not the size?

Official softball weight is 6.8 oz

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Can a little league junior softball pitcher complete a continued game and then pitch the next day?

yes, there are no rules/regulations for pitching in softball. that's just baseball.

What are the official regulations for a official ball?

the ball is baggier and the other ball is smaller

How is baseball different from softball?

softball has a bigger ball and despite its name, the official softball is the same hard as a baseball also, the ball is pitched underarm in softball

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There is no "official" statistic that has an HP abbreviation.

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What are the names for the seam on a softball?

its just the seam grip, they don't really have a official name.

How large is an official base in softball?

ItS AbOuT As BiG As StEvEn HawKINgS BraIn ( 100000m ) SQAURED

Mass of a softball is 177?

The official softball is a smooth-seam ball 12 inches in circumference, weighing between 6.25 and 7 ounces (177 and 198 grams)