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- Aluminum bats that are BESR certified and labeled as such are legal for play in the 2011 season.

.- Any aluminum bat that meets the 2012 standard is legal for play in the 2011 season.

.- Any composite bat that meets the 2012 standard is legal for play in the 2011 season.

.- If a composite bat is not 2012 compliant (BBCOR and appropriately labeled), it is illegal for play in the 2011 season.

.- The BBCOR performance standard positions the performance of non-wood bats to the high end of wood bat performance.

.- Composite Bat BBCOR standard requires compliance with Accelerated Break In (ABI) testing; i.e., the bat remains within the performance limits throughout its life. Current composite bats exceed the top performance limit with use.

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Q: What are the new bat regulations for 2011 high school baseball and what bats meet the standards of those regulations?
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