"Always have an arrow in your quiver." "Bend until you break." was a test of which wood was best for a bow. "Keep your string dry" was there before "Keep your powder dry." and for the same reason. "Keep an eye on the target."
A quiver is used in the sport of archery.
"Idioms for Being Afraid", "Idioms for Being Angry", "Idioms for Being Happy" are some examples of idioms found in the book "Found" by Margaret Peterson Haddix.
Some examples of idioms in "Divergent" include "jumping off the deep end," "barking up the wrong tree," and "walking on eggshells." These idioms are used to convey deeper meanings or emotions within the story.
the Archery in it
The best place is to go on your search engine and type in "list idioms" You can also look at this question for some examples.
· alpine skiing · archery · arena football · auto racing
Some websites that have idioms written in them include The Free Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary, and Phrases.com. These sites provide definitions and examples of idioms to help users understand their meanings and usage in context.
That was scary as hell - Something that was really, really scary
Some idioms in "The Cremation of Sam McGee" by Robert Service include: "a promise that's been kept," "you're a hiker / so I guess I'll have to hike," and "bully good sport." These idioms contribute to the poem's colloquial and engaging tone.
Archery, and some types of hunting.
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