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Q: What are some attitudes employees will find appealing when considering applicants who have not yet established career goals?
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What sort of attitudes and requests are likely to create conflict?

Attitudes that are dismissive, arrogant, or condescending can create conflict. Additionally, making demanding or unreasonable requests without considering others' perspectives or feelings can escalate tensions and lead to disagreements.

Which development most clearly illustrates the nativist attitudes that existed in the US in the 1920s?

The answer is "Limits on immigration established by the Quota Acts.

What are non attitudes?

Non-attitudes are responses given by individuals in surveys or questionnaires that do not reflect their true beliefs or opinions. This can be due to respondents not paying attention, providing socially desirable responses, or simply guessing without considering the question. Non-attitudes can lead to inaccurate data and affect the quality of survey results.

What are the strategies for changing attitudes?

Some strategies for changing attitudes include providing factual information, using persuasive communication techniques, appealing to emotions, promoting social norms, and facilitating firsthand experiences with the subject matter. It's also important to consider the audience, tailor the message to their beliefs and values, and engage in respectful dialogue to build understanding and trust.

What is persuasive rhetoric?

Persuasive rhetoric is a strategic use of language and communication techniques aimed at influencing, convincing, or changing the attitudes and behaviors of an audience. It often involves appealing to emotions, credibility, logic, and values to sway opinions or provoke action.

Why is edreil handsome?

It is may/maybe because the person has physical features or attitudes that seemed pleasant and appealing to the extent of his/her uniqueness. Every person is created uniquely and taking that into account, it is that unique quality makes us different from each other, and made us who we are.

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scientific attitudes together with its definition