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Jousting is a game that is played with two knights that are 100yd away from each other, both knights hole a lance ( the pole they are using) and try to knock their opponent off their horse without breaking their tip of their lance. If both lances break and neither knight falls off then their page will give them a new lance and they will go again. If both knights fall off of their horses then they will fight by foot until one of them surrenders.

Here Is Some Scoring For Jousting.

Breaking opponents tip +1 Breaking opponents lance +3

Tip to tip +5 (both knights) Unhorsing +10

Throwing lance at squire -5 Hitting horse -10 (first time)

Hitting horse disqualification (second time)

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Q: How do knights win a jousting tournament?
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What does the word jousting mean?

Jousting is the form of fighting on horseback. Like in England or something the book "King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table".

What were Knights who showed there fighting skills in contest called?

Knights who demonstrated their fighting skills in contests were often called tournament knights. Tournaments were events where knights competed against each other in various combat activities to showcase their prowess and skill.

What did midevel knights do with the armor they won jousting?

Medieval knights would often display the armor they won jousting as a sign of their prowess and victories. Some knights might also repurpose the armor for future tournaments or battles.

What is a meeting where nights joust?

A jousting tournament is an event where knights compete by riding on horseback with lances to try and knock each other off. It was a popular form of entertainment and competition in the Middle Ages.

How many people were there at a normal jousting tournament?

The number of people at a normal jousting tournament can vary depending on the location and popularity of the event. It could range from hundreds to thousands of spectators attending such tournaments.

Did knights joust to win the lady of courts affection?

Knights often participated in jousting tournaments to showcase their skills, bravery, and loyalty but it wasn't specifically to win the affection of a lady. Jousting was a way for knights to display their prowess in combat and to gain honor and prestige among their peers. Love and courtship were usually handled through more subtle and personal interactions.

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How did they set up a jousting tournament?

They did it bye having people want to see knights, and knowing maidens would be like, "omg did you see him? he looked hot!" and so they did.

Do real knights like jousting?


What is the thing that knights used for jousting?

A joust...

What is a competition where 2 knights try to get each other off a horse?

A jousting Tournament, using lances. Usually, it didn't end after they were knocked off, and they would battle with swords, etc.

Was jousting a sport that knights used to play?

yes it was