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i am werkin on dis in skool rite new. pros are u mite make alot of $$$$$$$ and its a perrrty fun job. cons are u mite make a low amount of $$$$$$$$$ and that it takes alots of werks ttyl y'all

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13y ago
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15y ago

Cons: 1. Constant doubting from others on your methods 2. dealing with certain players that wont commit to getting healthy Pros: 1. Salary plus tips 2. Free Gear

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12y ago

Well you probably know a little less then the actual player

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Q: What are disadvantages of being a sports therapists?
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There are no disadvantages of sports they are awesome except netball

What are the disadvantages of becoming a Athletic Trainer?

Occupational Therapists have few disadvantages. One could be working with mentally disabled people. They could be very frustrating to deal with. Occupational therapists also need to perform physical work. Lifting a rather heavy person in order to perform rehabilitation tasks is no advantage. There is also the possibility of being complained to by a patient that does not like you, which could lead you to the dismissal of your job.

How much money do sports therapists earn evey year?

The median expected salary in the U.S. is $75,081.

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Physiotherapists, chiropractors, massage therapists are probably the most common ones.

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They can work for a sport team, for example they can give the player a massage after a rough game.

How much is the annual income of athletic therapists?

The annual income of athletic therapists (also knows as sports therapists, athletic trainers or biokineticists) varies greatly, depending on the type of practice they have and where they practice athletic therapy. The annual income ranges from $42,000 to $78,000. It is lower for employed athletic therapists and higher for those who are self employed and open their own private athletic therapy clinics.

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