

What are causes of elbow pain?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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12y ago

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There are a number of different sources of elbow pain, however activities that stress the joint will be the most prominent. These include sports like tennis or ping pong, as well as Golf and Baseball.

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It is a repetitive motion injury, caused by stress on the tendons which attach to the proximal region of the ulna.

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Can elbow pain be a serious health concern?

Elbow pain is usually not a serious health concern. Often, it is caused by damage or stress to the bones, joint, muscles, ligaments, or nerves in and around the elbow. It can also be caused by issues in one's neck, shoulders, or hands or from tendinitis and arthritis. Serious concerns, or reasons to see a doctor include broken bones, swelling and redness of the elbow, or pain in the elbow, even when your not using it and it is always best to consult with your doctor if you're unsure, as this list is not exhaustive.

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The ICD-9-CM code for Closed Posterior Dislocation of the Elbow is 832.02.

What is the cause of golfers elbow?

Tennis Elbow aka Epicondylitis, often occurs as a result of strenuous overuse of the muscles and tendons of the forearm and around the elbow joint. These Tendons attach to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.

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This could be caused by either Tennis or Golfers elbow depending on wether the pain is in the right or left elbow.

What is the icd-9 code for elbow pain?

719.42 726.32 for Tennis Elbow

What kind of doctor should you see for elbow pain caused by a prior injury?

You can see an orthopedist or physiatrist for post-injury elbow pain.

How do you sleep with broken elbow?

Hopefully, you will never break your elbow because it is painful and it could cause you never to be able to move your elbow without discomfort or pain again. With that said, a broken elbow can be the result of jumping off a swing, falling down stairs, other types of falls, abuse from one person to another, or other causes.

Is there any information on elbow arthrectomy?

An elbow arthrotomy is a surgical procedure that relieves persistent symptoms and pain from tennis elbow. This condition is caused from overuse of the elbow.

I have pain in my elbow joint after pitching just 2 innings what could this be?

Elbow joint pain can be from many of things. You could of hit it or pinched a nerve.