Michael Orr currently plays for the Baltimore Ravens. (On his uniform, his name is spelled "Oher.")
NFL player Zach Orr played for North Texas.
NFL player Zach Orr is 6'-01''.
NFL player Zach Orr weighs 237 pounds.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Zach Orr is -- years old.
Zach Orr plays Line Back for the Baltimore Ravens.
Colton Orr plays for the Toronto Maple Leafs.
The last team Bobby Orr played for was the Chigaco Blackhawks in the 76-77 season and the 77-78 season
yes they do! they play travel team!!! bobby played for the Boston bruins!!!!! i only new that cuz my dad play nhl
According to USA Today, Orr's total salary was $2.7 million during his 6 season NFL career with his best season at $854,800 for the Texans in 2007.
coffey streit potvin leetch orr
Yes. On June 9th, 1976, Bobby Orr signed with the Chicago Blackhawks.