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1) Notre Dame-.74721 2) Michigan-.73981

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Q: What College 1A Football team has the best all-time winning percentage?
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What is Bob Stoops college football winning percentage?

101 - 22 .827 winning percentage as of 2/22/2008

Which college football team has the highest all time winning percentage?


What team has the lowest winning percentage in college football?

University of Idaho .362 winning percentage (Kansas State has most all-time losses.)

Does Ohio state have the best winning percentage of all time in college football?

No, Ohio State's winning percentage is 71.6%. It is the fifth highest of All-time. The University of Michigan holds the highest winning percentage of 74%

Winningest college football team this decade?

Boise State 112 wins with a .868 winning percentage

Division 1 college football coach with the highest winning percentage since 2000?

mack brown

Which coach has the highest winning percentage in the BCS Division -- formerly Division I -- of college football?

Jim tressel

What college team has the all time best winning percentage?

As of the 2013 season, the college football team that has the best winning percentage in Division 1 is Old Dominion with a winning percentage of .767. Old Dominion has only played 60 games in Division 1 though. Notre Dame is 2nd with a percentage of .733 Michigan is 3rd with a percentage of .732

Which college football team has the best winning percentage for the last 50 years?

North Dakota State University Bison

Who has the best overall winning percentage in college football the last five years the University of Georgia or Auburn University?


What active BCS conference college football coach has the best road winning percentage as of November 21 2008?

Jim tressel

Who is the most winning football college?
