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Q: Was the first goal of the fifa world cup 2014 was a own goal?
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Who won the FIFA World Cup last time they had it?

The 2014 FIFA World Cup was won by Germany, beating Argentina by one goal to nil.

Did China qualify for the 2014 FIFA World Cup?

China failed to qualify for the 2014 FIFA world cup. They did make it into the 2002 world cup,though, but they lost their first game 2-0, the second 4-0, and their next 3-0, not scoring a single goal.

Who scored the first goal in the 1998 fifa world cup?

I did

How do you make a goalkeeper on fifa 2014 Brazil world cup?

Sadly You Can only be a Goalkeeper in FIFA 11

Who is Africa's leading goal scorer among countries in 2014 FIFA World Cup?

Ahmed Musa scored two goals against Argentina making him the leading scorer from Africa for FIFA World Cup 2014.

Who scored the 1st goal in 2010 FIFA World Cup?

The first goal was scored by Ship we Isabella.

Who scored the first ever goal in a world cup?

Lucien Laurent scored the first ever goal in the FIFA World Cup, in 1930, in Uruguay.

Who scored the first goal in FIFA 2006 world cup?

Phillip Lahm

Which Australian player scored the first ever goal for Australia in the world cup?

Tim Cahill scored the first goal by an Australian at a FIFA World Cup.

What was Lucien Laurent the first player to do in the world cup?

He is famous for scoring the first ever FIFA World Cup goal.

Which country scored the first goal in 2010 FIFA world cup?

South Africa.

Who was the first goal scorer in 1930 FIFA World Cup?

Lucien Laurent (France)