how much is word 13 cards of McDonald Limited Edition
1993 GameDay Collector Cards
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Next to nothing.
The 22kt. "limited" edition gold cards have a low collectors value and are viewed as more of a novelty. Limited edition does not add value when there are more cards made than collectors interested in the market. These cards including the Joe Jackson card are commonly found on eBay selling for about $5.
There are 13 limited edition cards all together
You can get Limited Edition cards in Kraze Club magazine, WWE Kids magazine and inside the Slam Attax Starter Pack.
Rarity and usefulness are completely unrelated.
Depends on what they are, exactly. Some limited edition cards are worthless, some are worth hundreds of pounds.
The cards have 1st edition written on the left hand corner under the picture. The name is different colors. The picture is foil. It might say limited edition(there is no rarer version for limited edition cards).
It's impossible to say without knowing the card names. 'Limited Edition' cards can include expensive SJCS tournament prizecards, all the way down to worthless EP1 'Sphinx' cards. Likewise, 1st edition cards can include top tier cards, all the way down to useless trade binder padding.
The K-Mart Limited Edition set that featured Topps cards from 1962 - 1982 was issued in 1982, and sells for about $2.50-$5.00 on eBay. The 44 card boxed set features ballplayers suche asd Mickey Mantle, Willie Mays, and George Brett. Limited edition is A term often used by manufacturers of collectibles to indicate scarcity. A limited edition means just that - production of the item in question will be limited to a certain number. However, that number may be large or small, and is relevant to the amount of collectors interested in it. The value of a limited edition item is high only if the number made is less than the number of collectors that desire the item. If the Limited amount made is more than the amount of collectors interested, the value will go down from the issued price. There are more K-Mart Limited Edition sets than collectors interested in it. The set might be more valuable if broken, and sell the cards separately.
You would be able to find rare cards in bumper addition books
The worth of word 13 cards of McDonalds Limited Edition 1993 Game Day collector cards can vary from person to person. There are people out there who may be looking for these. The best way to find out how much they are worth is to do a quick eBay look, and see if anyone is selling theirs, and how much. You can also find a private collector or appraiser to help you find the worth. It is hard to find the worth of a product without visually looking at it.