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Basically, you should do whatever suits you the best. If you want to know the real seceret, you want to hit a low fizzing draw with the driver, it'll go an absolute mile!

I assume you mean a straight shot when you say 'line drive'. A straight drive is always best, as you will keep out of trouble, but it depends how high you launch it etc. If you hit a high angle drive, nearly all of your distane will come from carry, with very little roll. And obviously if you hit a low launch drive the ball will have less air time, but roll more.

Interestingly, the best thing to do is find a driver with your perfect loft and perfect shaft (custom fitting is the ideal way to achieve this) as well as the perfect ball for you. This will allow you to get the best from your game.

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Q: To drive a golf ball the farthest should you hit a line drive or a high angle shot?
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