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The referee

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Q: The person that controls the game and calls out fouls is called what in the sport of basketball?
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The person is called a Marshal.

The person who blows whistles and calls penalty?

That person is called a referee.

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it means their a looser, not the person who is being called one, the person whos saying it............. no one calls people grenade.

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Muezzin (or Muzim)

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why is it necessary to obtain permission from the person called when making collect calls

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why is it necessary to obtain permission from the person called when making collect calls

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When one calls another a workhorse they are calling that person a hard working or stating that the person being called a workhorse has done the majority of the work in a group task.

What do you call a man who calls out the azaan?

Well according to the Koran, a follower of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) witch is called a sahabi named Bilal was the first person to say the azaan.

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Some games that have umpires are: o Cricket o Tennis

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Cause the first time riddhima met aman they men in a basketball court and aman won but she was a good player so he calls her Basket