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Terminal Velocity.

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Q: The drag force acting on a falling sky diver is also known as?
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What is also known as the drag force acting on a falling sky diver is?

It's also known as the force of air resistance.

The drag force on a falling sky diver is also known as?

Terminal Velocity.

When the only force acting on a falling object is gravity?

This is commonly known as Free Fall

The force produce by gravity acting on mass is known as?

The force acting upon it is energy.

What is the force called that gravity is acting on you?

The force exerted by the earth towards itself,known as the gravitational force is called that gravity is acting on you.

A box is sitting on a table. The upward force exerted on the box that stops it from falling through the table is known as the force.?

A box is sitting on a table. The upward force exerted on the box that stops it from falling through the table is known as the force.

The force air exerts on a falling object is known as?

air resistance

What is the net force of unbalanced forces?

An unbalance force means that the total force acting on an object, also known as the net force, is not equal to zero.

What Combination of all of the force acting on an object?

This would be known as the net-force.

Objects falling to the center of the earth due to a force known as gravity is a example of?


What is the defined of force?

Force is an external effort and If the resultant of all force acting on a body is zero, then the forces are known as balanced force . Balanced forces do not change the speed.

What is the meaning of free falling and how is it related to force?

Free falling isn't actually related to force, when you free fall you are falling because of gravity, gravity is one of the four known forces, but gravity is simply the warping of the fabric of space and time, you fall because the earth streches that fabric, and you fall or sink into it, like a bowling ball on a trampoline. There are no forces acting on you, rather you are simply moving with the fabric which you exist in, which has been warped by the force of gravity. Free Fall is where an object whose motion is due to gravity ALONE.