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Q: Terry who has been an employee in your department for about six months can be careless about safety He hasn't been involved in any serious accidents but he's had many near misses What if your super?
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Do all accidents go on your driving record?

All accidents that you were involved in. You have to be driving the car when involved in these accidents . It does not matter if it was your fault or not. They all go on your driving record for 5 to 7 years they stay there.

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The employee's criticism of the employer

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There are many teenagers that are involved in drinking and driving accidents each year. This number is in the thousands.

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Are black cars involved in more car accidents?

Apparently they are... All dark coloured cars have an increased chance of being involved in an accident, while brighter colours like white are more visible and therefore involved in less accidents.

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About 20% to 50% of people involved in car accidents develop whiplash, which is a common injury resulting from the sudden jerking motion of the neck. Whiplash symptoms can range from mild to severe and may not be immediately apparent after the accident.

How to Understand Functions of the Human Resources Department?

One of the most important functions of any company is there human resources department. A human resources department provides many services to a company that are needed in order to bring in the best talent and keep employees knowledgeable of their compensation, benefits, and employee responsibilities.One of the key functions that the human resources department provides is the hiring process. When a company decides they need to hire a new employee, they will work with the human resources department to put together a detailed job description and list of required qualifications. After the description and qualifications are set, the human resources department will market the position both internally and externally on various job websites.After the position has been marketed, the human resources department will accept and review resumes to find the best candidates. After candidates are found, human resources will contact the candidates and will often conduct an initial phone interview. If the phone interview goes well, the department will set up a formal interview for the candidate. The human resources department is also involved in negotiating salary and benefits for the candidate.Once a candidate is hired, the human resources department becomes integral in acclimating the new hire to the company. The department will carefully explain all of the candidate’s employment benefits, job responsibilities, and all other company policies.Going forward, the human resources department is involved in handling all employee related issues. These could include employee complaints and filing away and keeping record of an employee’s performance evaluations. Also, the department provides an internal justice system for the company and is responsible for making difficult employment based decisions based on both the legal system and the rules set forth in the company’s policies.Another function that human resources department is widely involved in is the employee termination process. In this situation, human resources will sit in on any meeting in which an employee is told that they are being laid off or fired. Human resources will keep detailed track of what is said during the meeting. In the event the termination leads to a lawsuit, the notes take by human resources could be used in court.