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Q: Should parents be allowed to watch basketball practice?
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Should basketball be allowed in elementary school?

if students or parents request, then it could be allowed but it is not that mandatory. happy if it helped.

Should kids be allowed to divorce there parents?

No kids should not be allowed to divorce parents. They should be allowed to make them up. Divorce is a big decision and i not taken by children.

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No kids should not be allowed to divorce parents

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Yes because they are still their parents

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This is a controversial topic. Most would say parents should not be allowed to choose the gender of their child because it will lead to gender imbalance and abortions.

Ok you are 12 and you are not allowed to date but you are and you are dating this guy and he wants you to go to his basketball game should you lie and tell him you are busy or go behind your parents b?

Neither. Tell him you would love to go to his game (if of course you do want to) but are not able to because your parents would not approve.

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basketball church game. well i really don't know just go to what you feel is best for you. i had to choose before between vbs and basketball. i chose vbs because it is only once a year and basketball practice is like 3 times or more a week.

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I am Rebecca.Here is how you can become an actress even if your parents won't help you.You should just practice without your parents Iam shiva and m not allowed to become an actress from family background. How can i insist my family to be an actress.

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No why?

How old should you be allowed to have a boyfriend?

That is a topic that you and your parents need to talk about and agree on.

What size of a basketball should you use for a half court basketball game or practice?

A size 28.5 would do just fine. but make sure that its as full as it will go or as bouncy as you want it.