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Q: Should baseball players or other professional athletes who have taken steroids be banned from a Hall of Fame or have to return awards they have earned?
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How many Baseball players have died from steroids?

the answer is ZERO. No Professional baseball player has ever died from a steroid related illness or injury.

Who were the first all American professional girls baseball players?

There are no All-American professional girl baseball players. The All-American designation is limited to amateur athletes in college and, now, high school. Girl athletics in these areas do not play baseball.

Do steroids benefit baseball players?


How many players in the Major League Baseball use steroids?

there are many players in the mlb that use steroids. My guess would be 30-40.

How many players are there in Major League sports?

3630 professional athletes.

Why do baseball players use steroids?

To enhance power and stamina

What percent of Major League Baseball players use steroids?


Why are steroids not allowed in sports?

First of all it would give an unfair advantage to the players who use the steroids, and it would encourage everyone to use them in order to "keep up." It would also encourage younger athletes to take them and steroids are especially harmful to bodies that are not fully developed. In my opinion the most important reason is that athletes who use natural ability and hard work should always be observed as the best athletes, not who can take the most steroids to become the best. Do you really want steroids to be legal in the Olympics? We would not know who the best athletes in the world truly are.

What are baseball players called?

The money they get paid with, usually comes from the club they play with.

Why were steroids banned from baseball?

I believe steroids have been banned from all sports. Steriods are not only dangerous, but they also give a person taking them an unfair advantage over the players who play by the rules and don't take them. Steriods give a person more muscle mass, greater stamina and strength, which is why athletes take them. But they are illegal for athletes, and if caught taking them, can result in the loss of a career in sports.

Do you have to maintain amateur status to be in the Olympics?

No, look at the NBA players, they are professional athletes and play in the Olympics.

How may Dominican Republic players have tested positive for steroids since 2003?

About 63% of all Dominican Republic baseball players tested positive for the use OS steroids and other PED.