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get some extra strength nail polish remover on a cutip and the painted on logos should come right off.

source: personal experience

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Q: Removing hockey helmet logo
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Related questions

Which NFL team was the last to put logo on helmet?

The Clevland Browns still do not have a logo on thir helmet

What kind of helmet is the browns logo?

They just wear an orange helmet.

Which came first the Green Bay Packers helmet logo or the University of Georgia helmet logo?

The following web site: states that the now iconic "G" helmet logo was first used by the Packers in 1961 (designed by equipment manager Dad Braiser). The University of Georgia began using the "G" helmet logo in 1964. Grambling University (Louisiana) began using the "G" helmet logo in the early 1980's

Does saints helmet have logo on both sides?


What college teams have no logo on their helmet?

Wake forest

Why does Robinson Cano's batting helmet have a gold New York Yankees logo on it?

The logo looks gold because of pine tar residue on the helmet.

Is the Cleveland Browns logo an orange helmet for budget reasons?


Best way to autograph a helmet?

Right next but not on the logo.

What are the brand of wheels that have a logo with a guy that has a helmet on?

Its a skull with a helmet on and they're made by pro comp. The name of them are metal mulisha.

When did the Buffalo Bills change their helmets?

The Buffalo Bills started with blue blue and silver helmets with no logo in 1960. In 1962 the helmet was changed to white helmet with the red standing bison logo. In 1974 the logo changed to a blue charging buffalo on a white background. In 1984 the logo stayed the same but the background was changed red helmet. the only changes since is alternate throwback version in 2005-present for throwback they use white helmet with standing red bison.

Why did the redskins had a different logo in 1982?

I was wondering the same thing myself. According to a web site called The Warpath, the one season change was do to an error by the logo sticker manufacture. Apparently the problem had something to do with the typical vertical feathers cracking on the helmet logo when it was applied to the helmets. From what I read, it seems that the reason that the helmet logo returned to the typical vertical feathers the following year, is that the Redskins changed helmet logo vendors and was able to obtain more flexible vinyl logos.

What is the only NFL football team without a logo on the side of the helmet?
