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They can be Transverse

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Q: Mechanical waves can be transverse or wave?
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Related questions

Are transverse and congressional waves a type of mechanical wave?

A transverse wave may, or may not, be a mechanical wave (electromagnetic waves are also transverse).I don't know about congressional waves; you may want to ask a representative of congress in your country.

Is a longitudinal wave a mechinal wave?

It is not a synonym, in any case. Mechanical waves can be both longitudinal and transverse. Electromagnetic waves are transverse.

What is wave 4?

Mechanical waves Electromagnetic waves Transverse waves Longitudinal waves

Is a mechanical wave a transverse wave?

A mechanical wave is any wave pattern that results from one or many forces. A mechanical wave can be a transverse wave, such as seen on a violin string, or a longditudinal wave, such as sound waves.

What are the two kinds of wave?

There are mechanical and electromagnetic waves.

What are types of transverse waves?

A transverse wave is a wave in which the direction of displacement is perpendicular to the direction of propagation, as a surface wave of water. Another name for this word is an electromagnetic wave.

What two motions are needed to make a wave?

There are two basic forms of wave motion, for mechanical waves. These are longitudinal and transverse waves.

A sound wave is a transverse wave?

No. At least in a gas and liquid, mechanical waves, including sound, can only propagate as longitudinal waves.

What is an example of transverse waves and longitudinal waves?

Sound is a longitudinal wave, as is any other mechanical wave. Light is a transversal wave, as all other Elektromagnetic waves.

Give three examples of mechanical waves and identify the medium through which they travel?

There are only two types of mechanical waves: longitudinal waves, and transverse waves..In a longitudinal wave, the waves themselves oscillate, or vibrate, in the same direction as the wave travel. Longitudinal waves are also called compression waves. Sound and seismic P-waves are examples of mechanical longitudinal waves..In a transverse wave, the waves oscillate perpendicular to the direction of the wave travel. Ocean waves and seismic S-waves are examples of mechanical transverse waves..See the related links for further information about longitudinal and transverse waves.

Does a longitudinal wave need a medium?

It is not so much longitudinal vs. transverse - it is the type of wave. Mechanical waves, by definition, travel through matter. That includes sound waves. Mechanical waves, however, can be both longitudinal and transverse - and both require a medium.

In what type of waves do particles in the medium vibrate perpendicularly to the direction in which the waves are traveling?

transverse waves.