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Well, that's a tough question. I suppose it all depends on how you look at "work." Obviously when the pitcher releases the ball, his work is finished, but the effect that he places on the thrown ball is not finished until the ball stops. The pitcher has transferred his "work" energy to the ball. The ball then carries out the remainder of his work.

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Q: Is work done on a ball when a pitcher throws it is the pitcher stil doing work on the ball?
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What does a ball mean?

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What does knuckling a ball mean?

A knuckle ball is thrown when a pitcher hold the ball, not with his fingers fully extended, but bent such that only the "knuckle" of the fingers is touching the ball when released. When done right -- and it is not an easy pitch to throw correctly -- the ball will have very little spin. As such, the ball can go just about anywhere before it reaches the plate, depending on how the wind is blowing. When a good knuckleball pitcher is throwing well, batters will be flaying at the ball almost helplessly, as even the pitcher has no idea what it will do as it heads towards the catcher.

What does knuckle ball mean?

A knuckle ball is thrown when a pitcher hold the ball, not with his fingers fully extended, but bent such that only the "knuckle" of the fingers is touching the ball when released. When done right -- and it is not an easy pitch to throw correctly -- the ball will have very little spin. As such, the ball can go just about anywhere before it reaches the plate, depending on how the wind is blowing. When a good knuckleball pitcher is throwing well, batters will be flaying at the ball almost helplessly, as even the pitcher has no idea what it will do as it heads towards the catcher.

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after hees done craping

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How is scoring done in basketball?

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Why do umpires in baseball toss the ball away when it hits the dirt around home plate but not when the ball gets hit and hits the dirt in the infield?

Its usually done cause the catcher ask for a ball change. He feels his pitcher didn't have a good feel with the ball.

How fast can a lacrosse ball be thrown?

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