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Q: Is wave energy a renewable resource or nonrenewable resource?
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What does it mean when an energy resource is reneable?

Non-renewable energy source means that the source will eventually run out and is not renewable.

Is wave power a renewable or non-renewable source of energy?

It is a renewable energy source because we can make more of it in our lifetime. A nonrenewable energy source is one like oil, coal or gas because they are formed over millions of years and we cannot make more coal in our lifetime. Whereas wave power is always there and doesn't take millions of years to form. We can make more in our life time. It also gives out less harmful emissions than burning fossil fuels.

List six forms of renewable energy?

Renewable energy (solar, wind, water, hydro, tidal and wave, geothermal, ocean thermal, biomass and biofuel).

Name 5 examples of Renewable energy?

solar wave water wind corn ethanol

What is solar renewable energy?

Renewable energy is an energy source that is either in relatively limitless supply, or that quickly regenerates when consumed.So solar, wind and water power are kinds of renewable energy, because they keep coming back even after we've used them.Coal and oil are NON renewable sources of energy, because when they're gone, they're gone.Renewable energy is found in abundance and we must make use of these resources such as solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal to the best advantage. For instance wind energy must be tapped to generate electricity.Renewable energy is any source of energy which can be used or consumed without going into the state of being unusable. Examples of nonrenewable energy sources would be petroleum, natural gas, coal, etc. You will find that everyday fossil fuels are nonrenewable sources of energy. Some examples of renewable energy would be; solar energy, hydro energy, heat energy, heat from friction, etc."A source of energy that is not expected to deplete through constant use or can be replaced or grown within a relatively short period of time."The definition of renewable energy is a resource that you can take and give back,(ex. trees, plants, animals, vegetables.By the name itself it has the definition involved i.e., the source of energy that is renewable is called as the renewable energy.... this is other wise called as the non conventional energy because we have replaced the conventional sources of energy ( like coal, oil, fossilfuel etc.,) to the non conventional source of energy( like solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, tidal, wave, peizo, mhd's etc.,)Energy, of itsself, is never renewable. It always degrades towards hbeing low level heat (entropy). There are however renewable energy sources. In general, renewable energy is identified as the energy that comes from sources that can be replenished or those that cannot be depleted. Such sources include wind, rain, tides, sunlight, waves and geothermal energy.Renewable energy is generally defined as energy that comes from resources which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat

Related questions

Is wave energy a nonrenewable or a renewable source?

Renewable of course.

Which energy sources are non renewable?

Non-renewable energy is any energy resource that is 'finite'. Examples are coal, oil, gas. renewable energy would be wave, wind, & solar.

Is wave energy a renewable source of energy?

Yes, wave energy (hydro-power) is a renewable source of energy.

Renewable resource used for the generation of electricity?

Renewable sources of energy include the sun (solar), wind, water (hydro), tidal, wave, geothermal and biomass.

Does a wave power station use renewable energy?

Yes, wave power is renewable.

Is a non renewable resource?

A non-renewable resource is one that is mined from the ground, and when we've used it, there's no more left. In terms of energy, these are oil, coal, natural gas, uranium, lignite, shale oil and so forth.Examples of renewable energy resources are solar, wind, geothermal, wave, and tidal power.

What is a non renewable resource?

A non-renewable resource is one that is mined from the ground, and when we've used it, there's no more left. In terms of energy, these are oil, coal, natural gas, uranium, lignite, shale oil and so forth.Examples of renewable energy resources are solar, wind, geothermal, wave, and tidal power.

Is wave energy renewable?


What the 3 renuable energy resources?

Three examples of renewable energy are:solar,wind,hydro (dams, tidal and wave).Three examples of non-renewable energy are:Coal,oil andnatural gas.

What is the energy resource that can be used in place of fossil fuels?

Renewable energy (solar, wind, water, hydro, tidal and wave, geothermal, ocean thermal, biomass, biofuel and hydrogen).

Is wave energy a renewable source?


Are clothes a nonrenewable or renewable resource?

Clothes are not really a resource.A renewable resource is something like sunlight, or wind, or ocean wave energy, or tidal energy, that you can use, and it's still there next day. So you don't use it up.Clothes can be made of natural fibres, like cotton or linen, but these have to be kept growing to provide the material. So long as there is water and land to grow them, we can keep providing more.Clothing can be made from nylon, rayon, polyester etc, most of which are made from oil. Oil is not a renewable resource. When we use it all, there is none left.Sometimes they can be, in that they can be used again or made into other clothing or useful items. They will eventually be gone though.