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In non-professional football, they do delay a game for lightning/thunder, and on some cases, heavy rain.

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Q: Is there a delay for thunder during soccer?
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During a thunderstorm you see the lightning followed by the sound of the thunder What causes the delay between the light and the sound?

Light travels much faster then sound. That is what causes the delay.

Why is there a delay between the lightning an thunder?

There is a delay between seeing the lightning and hearing the thunder because the speed of light (lightning) is much faster than the speed of sound (thunder). Thus, you SEE lightning first, and then you HEAR thunder later.

Does thunder flash 5 mins after lightning?

No. The rule of thumb is there is a delay of 5 secondsbetween lightning and thunder for every mile of distance from the bolt.

Is there lightning and thunder during typhoon?

There is no lightning or thunder during the majority of typhoons. However, lightning and thunder have been occasionally reported during typhoons.

How far can you hear thunder?

Typically, thunder can be heard up to 10 miles away from a lightning strike. Sound travels much slower than light, so there is a delay between seeing the lightning and hearing the thunder.

What is The name of Minnesota's baseball team?

The Minnesota Thunder are the state's professional soccer team.

There is a delay of 5 seconds between the time you see a flash of lightning and hear the thunder?

the lightning is roughly a mile away

Cover your mirror during thunder so that it will not break?

Thunder will not break a mirror.

What does thunder smell like?

Thunder smells like ozone gas. It is because ozone gas is produced during thunder.

What is the approximate distance of a thunder storm if you notice a three-second delay between the flash of lightning and the sound of the thunder?

sound speed = d/p 340m/s = d/3s d= 1020 m

What is the approximte distance of a thunderstorm if you notice a three-second delay between the flash of lighting and the sound of the thunder?

About three-fifths of a mile. The sound of the thunder takes approximately five seconds to travel one mile.

What did the Vikings believe happens during a thunder storm?

The Vikings believed that, during a thunder storm, the Norse god of thunder, Thor, was riding in his chariot. Whenever lightning flashed, the Vikings believed that Thor was throwing his hammer, Mjollnir.