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If you read the following article which was written 10/3/07, it says that chewing tobacco is NOT banned in Major League Baseball. However, it is illegal in Minor League Baseball.

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17y ago
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14y ago

Years ago, players didn't want to drink water during a game. They thought it would make them feel too heavy and full. So they chewed tobacco to keep their mouths from getting too dry.

In the mid-19th century-baseball's formative years-chewing tobacco was enormously popular in the United States. Early ballplayers likely chewed tobacco for the same reasons as other American men, but they soon discovered baseball-specific benefits. It spurs saliva production and lubricates the mouth in the dusty infield environment. When fielding gloves came into vogue in the 1870s and 1880s, players moistened the leather with spit. Pitchers used the juice from a chaw to prepare the notorious spitball, which was widely permitted until 1920.Related in SlateJ.J. Sutherland tested smoking cessation products. Josh Levin offered a reading list for the committed baseball fan. Bryan Curtis smoked cigars with a former MLB MVP.

It's not surprising that chewing tobacco has become identified with baseball. Both pastimes came of age when America was trying to separate itself, politically and culturally, from mother England. Pipe smoking was the preferred tobacco delivery method in both regions until the 18th century, when sophisticated Englishmen became enamored of snuff-finely ground tobacco powder that they inhaled through the nose. Americans rejected the pretentious culture of dainty boxes and started chewing tobacco instead. Charles Dickens, who visited the United States in 1842, referred to Washington as "the headquarters of tobacco tinctured saliva" and described a trial at which the judge, defendant, jury, and spectators all had their own spittoons. He also observed signs at a medical college requesting that students expectorate into designated boxes so as not to "discolour the stairs." In the same year as Dickens' visit, Americans played what was likely the first-ever game of baseball, in Manhattan.

The chewing habit hit its high-water mark in 1890, when the average American gnawed through more than 3 pounds of tobacco. At that point, baseball already had two professional leagues and a players' union. But tobacco chewing faded quickly among the general population over the next decade, after German microbiologist Robert Koch showed that spitting contributed to the spread of tuberculosis. Major cities passed anti-spitting laws and removed spittoons from public places just before the turn of the century. Cigarettes, whose retail price was halved by the 1880 invention of an automated rolling machine, surpassed chewing tobacco in popularity in 1918.

Ballplayers lagged behind in making the switch. Besides the utility of a little extra spit, many players were suspicious of smoking. Several trainers blamed fatigue and hitting slumps on cigarettes. The sudden decline of former batting champion and career .308 hitter Michael "King" Kelly-he hit just .189 in 1892 and was only able to play 78 games-was attributed to his longtime habit of smoking while patrolling the outfield. The rate of smokeless tobacco use among ballplayers did start to decline in the early 20th century, but change was slow. There was even a resurgence of the practice starting in the late-1960s, after the federal government began touting the dangers of cigarettes. Smokeless-tobacco makers jumped on the opportunity by placing free tins of dip-a more refined product that doesn't require chewing-in major league clubhouses. A 1999 study found that 31 percent of the league's rookies used smokeless tobacco, compared with 6.5 percent of American males.

Professional baseball has made some efforts to curtail the use of chewing tobacco. The Minor Leagues banned it from ballparks in 1993, with fines ranging from $100 to $1,000. There's no ban in the majors, however. Any such measure would require alteration of the collective bargaining agreement between players and owners. The union has so far resisted the move.

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13y ago

Yes. The MLB, so I've heard, has made a new rule that the players must wrap their chew in bubble gum, making it a more family-friendly sport, therefore not influencing it to the younger viewers because they might just think the players are chewing bubble gum.

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13y ago

I've heard recently that the MLB is making the players wrap their chew in bubble gum to make it a more family-friendly sport, therefore not influencing it to young people by making it look like the players are chewing bubble gum.

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9y ago

At one time, at long since past, it was customary for baseball players to use chewing tobacco during a game. It produces extra saliva, and the nicotine in the tobacco satisfied a "habit" making the player feel more relaxed. When it became clear that chewing tobacco could cause lip or mouth cancer, the tradition died out. These days, often times players use Chewing Gum as a substitute for the old tobacco tradition.

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Should chewing chewing tobacco be banned from the Major League Baseball?

The MLB, so I've heard, has made a new rule that the players must wrap their chew in bubble gum, making it a more family-friendly sport, therefore not influencing it to the younger viewers because they might just think the players are chewing bubble gum.

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A lump of chewing tobacco is called a quid. A variant of the word: cud quid - (noun) a lump of chewing tobacco

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Chewing Gum is banned in Singapore.

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normally a chewing tobacco takes 2 months to be out of the date to eat it.

What is dip tobacco?

Slang for chewing tobacco

Is chewing tobacco bad for your jaws?

Yes, chewing tobacco can be harmful to your jaws. It can contribute to oral health issues like gum disease, tooth decay, and even loss of jaw bone. The constant pressure and friction from chewing tobacco can also lead to issues with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and cause pain and discomfort in the jaw area.

Can tobacco chewing reduce sexual power?

That depends, what are you chewing it with ;D

What is used for chewing that start with letter T?

Tobacco can be used for chewing