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No, paintball is more commonly known and is more popular.

The last person was correct but I'll give a more detailed answer. Paintball is more popular than Airsoft but more young kids play Airsoft because it's not as dangerous. Paintball players normally start at around 13 while Airsoft players normally start around 11. Airsoft is something that you can do in the back yard, while Paintball is something you normally need to go to a place that hosts Paintball games for.

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Yes, there are more paintball courses than air soft and is more common across the globe.

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Q: Is airsoft more popular than paintball?
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Doesn't airsoft sting more than paintball?

Paintball hurts MUCH more than airsoft. The reason that Paintball hurts more than Airsoft is because the speed of the paintball is faster and the mass is also larger. Take an Airsoft BB and a paintball and look at the difference in size. Now, when you figure that Paintball markers have much greater speed than an Airsoft gun, you will find that Paintball will and should hurt more.

What website or store is the best for buying NEW paintball guns?

i would suggest even though they sell more airsoft than paintball, it is still good.

Is airsoft guns better then paintball guns?

It's not the sport that matters but how you play it. If you are stupid and don't wear masks then neither of them are safe. Paintballs hurt worse but in airsoft you get hit much more often. In paintball after about your second game you get used to getting hit and it doesn't hurt as bad. The same thing goes for airsoft. But when you think about it airsoft runs off batteries and paintball runs off of Co2 and HpA. So the only way you couldn't be safe in paintball is by not following the rules and not keeping good care of your gun parts and tanks. Hope this helps a little......Personally i play paintball. Send me a message if you have any more questions. Noobhelper 2 Paintball and airsoft are both safe if you know what you are doing and follow safety rules. If the question is what hurts worse, paintball will usually tend to sting more, but airsoft guns can vary in fps, (feet per second), and paintball guns have a set fps speed that fields will only allow (a limit), so you may run into airsoft guns that hurt worse than others, and paintball guns won't vary too much.

What is better at training for the military airsoft guns or paintball guns?

If a military is not using simunitions, they use paintball. The negative feedback of getting hit and it showing along with the ability to use powder or water rounds make it a much better option than airsoft.

What hurts more air soft or paintball?

there is a lot more to it than just the projectile size and weight. either one can hurt more. paintball has universally endorsed velocity limits set at 300fps which makes it safer (i will get to why in a bit) airsoft has no velocity limits and some of the snipers can shoot upwards of 7-800 fps, there has been a few cases of people getting shot in the neck at close range from a sniper and bleeding out in the woods before help can arrive, typically snipers are supposed to not shoot anyone within 100ft but without any kind of universal rule on the fps there is no way to guarantee safety like you can for paintball also while the airsoft projectile is smaller it also does not squish like a paintball will so it leaves a much smaller and deeper impact rather than a paintball which kind of deforms and spreads out its energy as it breaks (this is also why a paintball that bounces off of you hurts slightly more than a paintball that breaks, no break = contained energy that is transferred to your skin rather than going out with the exploding paint) i will say for the MaJoRiTy of airsoft guns out there that shoot right around 300fps or under the paintball will typically hurt more but the range and speed really are the determining factors in this question not just if it is an airsoft bb or a paintball that comes out of the barrel

Is airsoft better than paintball?

Neither is better. Some people prefer different aspects than the other: Paintball: hurts more costs more larger games more fields professional league more game types Masks needed Airsoft: hurts less costs less harder to find games generally only milsim games goggles needed Paintball guns: Milsim guns: used by military and law enforcement for training can be highly realistic and expensive Tournament guns: used by speedball tournament players: very "unrealistic" built for high speeds and accuracy Airsoft guns: increased realism with price. Still need orange tip. The concept of "realism" is a term that seems to be a key in this argument, and some things need to be cleared up: All "guns" are based around their projectile, the more that paintball or airsoft guns look and function like real firearms, the less they actually perform in their sport, and the better they look. This is generally less important in airsoft than in paintball, where gun speed and capacity are usually highly valued, which is why Speedball guns have their unique shape and use hoppers instead of magazines or clips. If you value realism over gun advantages, then air soft may appear to you more than paintball, where you may like shooting allot more, faster, at more people. Just wanted to add that on adverage, the hurts more/less and costs more/less is true. However, because FPS is not regulated in airsoft, it very well can hurt more if you are close enough and someone is shooting fast enough. There are actually a few cases of airsofters dying as a result of being shot in the neck from way too close by a sniper rifle which fires much faster than most airsoft guns. As for cost, there are a handfull of companies out there who use actual firearms parts and customize them to use for airsoft guns, these are VERY expensive as you are basically buying a firearm and paying someone to modify it (no licences needed since the end result is still an airsoft gun) These guns and many of the "high performance" airsoft guns actually far surpass even the most expensive of paintball markers (while not getting into custom stuff) because they have the high performance as well as the military look.

Should you get a paintball gun or air soft gun?

It all depends what you want to do. If you just want to shoot targets in your backyard, go get an airsoft gun, they are much cheaper than paintball guns. However If you want to play with people in a competitive game, get a paintball marker. There are nearly no "airsoft fields" and It is hard to play at any more than recreation because of the short range of the guns and the inability to tell you are hit with even thin layers of clothing.

Can you shoot airsoft pellets out of a paintball gun?

No. Paintballs are much MUCH larger than airsoft pellets (.50-inch and higher), the guns' feed mechanisms are completely different.

How do you convince my parents to let me have a airsoft?

-you'll pay for it -you'll wear protection -you won't shoot to hurt someone Plus, more players get injured in football or basketball than paintball and airsoft combined. Airsoft has been federally regulated so that it cannot fatally or even seriously injure someone who is wearing the proper protection.

Can an airsoft gun shoot paintballs?

Yes they can. Even though an airsoft pellet are smaller and are faster then paintballs, the bunkers are made to withstand a very high foot-pound pressure before you would be able to puncture a hole into it. Just remember to maintain the bunkers well and keep them clean.

Do blowback airsoft jam?

All airsoft can jam. Phrase your question better. Such as Does blowback airsoft jam more than spring airsoft?

What do magazines do for airsofts?

Magazines for airsoft guns hold and feed the BBs into the gun's firing mechanism. They come in various capacities and styles to suit different types of airsoft guns and players' preferences. Regularly maintaining and properly loading magazines is essential for consistent and reliable performance during airsoft games.