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Q: Is a person jogging at 3 m s along wind an example of acceleration?
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What is an example of tangential and centripetal acceleration?

If an object follows a circular path, it must have a centripetal force on it to keep it moving in a circle. Centripetal means "toward the center of the circle". The force causes Centripetal acceleration toward the center witch is along the radius of the circular path. Tangential acceleration occurs at a Tangent to the circular path and is always perpendicular to the centripetal acceleration. Always perpendicular to the radius of the circle.

Explain what is on the y-axis and x-axis in order to get acceleration?

In case of uniform acceleration,the graph will be a straight line with a +ve slope ,if we are taking velocity along Y-axis and time along X-axis.hence it's slope will give u acceleration.

A cart of mass 10kg pulled along a smooth platform by a force of 60N. What is the acceleration of the cart?

F=mass * acceleration 60kg m/s^2=10kg * acceleration 6m/s^2 = acceleration

What do you call a negative acceleration?

Deceleration- the opposite of acceleration.

Objects that move along a circular path are they accelerated toward the outer edge of the circle?

Actually, objects moving around a circular path have two accelerations i.e. radial acceleration and tangential acceleration. Radial acceleration is towards the radius whereas tangential acceleration is the acceleration along the direction of the tangent to the path of the motion. So, I would say yes, they are accelerated towards the outer edge of the circle.

How do you find initial acceleration.?

The initial acceleration of an object can be found by calculating the change in velocity over time. This can be done by dividing the final velocity by the time taken to reach that velocity. The formula for initial acceleration is: initial acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time.

Does work done in moving a charge from infinity to a given point involves any acceleration?

No, work done in moving a charge from infinity to a given point does not involve any acceleration. Work is defined as the product of force and displacement, and in the case of moving a charge, the force is constant along the path. Since acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, and there is no change in velocity in this case, there is no acceleration involved.

Should a person with high blood cholesterol consider participating in an aerobic exercise program such as walking or jogging?

A person with high blood cholesterol should consider participating in an aerobic exercise program such as walking or jogging. Exercise along with clean eating will help encourage a healthy lifestyle.

What is meant by centripetal acceleration is perpendicular to velocity?

As an object goes round in a circular path, then its velocity will along the tangent at that instant. But centripetal acceleration is normal to that tangent and so along the radius of curvature. As acceleration is perpendicular to the velocity, the direction aspect is ever changing and so the object goes round the circular path.

What is the acceleration of a car moving along a straight line path that increases its speed from zero?

the car could be traveling in a straight line and slowing down (negative acceleration), speeding up (positive acceleration) or maintaining constant speed (zero acceleration).

Is there any point along the path of projectile where velocity and acceleration vectors are parallel to each other?


On a V-t graph how does constant acceleration appear?

On a graph of speed versus time, where time is plotted along the horizontal (X) axis and speed along the vertical (Y) axis: -- constant speed (zero acceleration) produces a straight, horizontal line; -- constant acceleration produces a straight, sloped line; the slope of the line is equal to the acceleration; -- if the acceleration is positive, the line slopes up to the right (speed increases as time increases); -- if the acceleration is negative, the line slopes down to the right (speed decreases as time increases).