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No it is not although it works almost the same muscles. Bench press is when you are on the bench laying on your back and lifting the weight. Chest press is when you sit on the bench and push the weight forward while your arms are parallel to your chest at a 90 degree angle from your elbows.

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Q: Is a chest press just like a bench press?
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How do you get a bigger chest?

If u mean like chest muscle then u bench press alot and incline bench it works for everyone enless u got man boobs u can lick

Can press-ups ever reduce chest size?

pressups cant really reduce chest size. they can reduce breast but aerobic activity can reduce unwanted fat plus exercise isolated on the chest area like a bench press or pressups but you will have to adapt and make the exercise harder. i.e. take your foot of the floor when doing pressups

What is a single fulcrum bench press?

Like a smith machine

How often should you bench press in one week?

When it comes to training the larger muscle groups like the chest, back, and legs, it is good to work them out with great intensity during a workout, and then provide them with plenty of rest. Some people claim that to bench press 3 times per week is not too much, but training them that frequently leaves them sore and diminished each time you rework them. You will overtrain doing this. Personally, i work chest and bench press at least once per week, but no more than twice per week, with usually 5-6 days in between chest sessions. That way, your chest is fresh and ready to grow each and every time. Bench pressing once per week has helped me to achieve a 400 pound bench press at 200 pounds bodyweight, so once per week training can be very effective...-the westside barbell programme advocates one day of heavy bench press and one of dynamic effort or explosive bench press at around 50-60% of your 1rm.

How can a kid get a bigger chest?

Bro,the tip to get a ripped and a fully sick big chest like mine is to Bench Press everyday,but remember you must have breaks in between. Do like 10 a day. so for instance do 10 one day and do mabye 15 tomorrow. simple as that mate B-) :)

World record bench press for a 50 year old?

There is not much information here, but I am 50 and I have done a ton of searches simply asking what the indiana state bench press records are for old men like me.

Largest bench press by any NFL wide receiver?

Up to like 240-260

How do you get a better bench press?

In order to increase bench press you must not do it more than every 2-3 days because your muscles need time to rest you can add weight to your bench press every 2 weeks with 5-10 pounds I usually bench press every 4 days and the that after my bench I like to work my triceps because triceps have a big impact on bench press also have you tried other workouts on your bench day like dumbbell press, dumbbells fly or incline and decline bench press you could also gain more muscle which could help you with the weight eat high protein foods such as chicken and lean steak also get lots of rest

Is it bad to bench press every day?

if You use less than 60% of your 1 rep max it's ok, otherwise you should only every oyther day if you're going to be bench pressing in order to get stronger or bigger, then no, do not bench press every day. If you are a woman or a man who wants to lift like a woman or look like a woman, then feel free to. Bench press is a man's lift. A big lift. A growing lift. You should bench press once per week. maybe twice. but go for big weight each time. Bench press is not cardio. So stay away from 60% max crap and stay strong.

In final fantasy 12 how do you open a treasure chest twice?

Press X when you are close to the chest (there's a little exclamation mark that appears with the name of the coffer/chest/etc underneath). If the chest is some sort of special case, then just wait until you can get the key or something like that

What is world record bench press?

Becca Swanson has been on the juice for over 15 years. She benched that 600lb in a triple bench shirt and in the dirty class, juiced the f@cked up! Bench shirt gave her like 400+ on her bench Becca Swanson, 600.8 pounds

Im 5ft 90lbs. and ll years old. And i can only bench press 60. Is that bad?

im 15 5'9 103 and bench like 45 so i mean its all about how fit you are and how fit u want to be