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Home plate is considered in fair territory. If the ball hits home plate and rolls into foul territory, the ball is foul. If the ball hits home plate and rolls into fair territory, the ball is fair.

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13y ago
Fair or Foul TerritoryIn MLB, home plate is part of fair territory. The foul lines start at the back of the plate. All bases are fair territory.
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All of home plate is considered to be in fair territory. The foul lines run to 1st and 3rd from the back point of the plate. The ball would be fair.

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Alot of people ask this question but the answer is, the ball is foul. Also if the ball hits the batters box or the batter touches the ball to his body inside the batters box then it is foul.

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this is a fair ball

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Homeplate is in fair territory.

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Q: Is a ball considered fair or foul if it hits homeplate first?
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A batter bunts the ball fair but the ball has backspin and stops on top of homeplate is this fall or fair?

Home plate is in fair territory, therefore the ball would be a fair ball.

In baseball if a batted ball hits homeplate and lands fair is it a fair ball?

Home plate is considered fair territory. Thus, if the ball hits home plate AND then never leaves fair territory, it remains a fair ball. However, if the ball hits home plate, and afterwards goes into foul territory before leaving the infield, then it is a foul ball.

If a ball is hit between first and home and hits foul territory first and then goes fair before passing first base is the ball considered fair or foul?


If a ball is hit between first and home and hits fair territory first then goes foul before passing first base is the ball considered fair or foul?

That ball would be considered foul. For a ball that passes first or third base to be fair, it must be between the baselines when it passes first or third base.

The umpire calls a ball batted behind homeplate a foul ball. The ball spins back onto homeplate without being touched. Is the ball fair or foul?

If the ball landed behind home plate, it is already a foul ball, even if it rolls back into fair territory. If the batter already has 2 strikes and then the ball is bunted foul, it's an out. The above answer is wrong. If a batted ball lands behind home plate but rolls forward and settles on the plate or in front of the plate, it is a fair ball.

If a fly ball is hit and passed first base between first and second in fair territory but spins through the air and eventually lands in foul territory is it considered foul?

the ball has to land in fair territory to be considered fair.

If a ball lands foul and roles in bounds is it foul?

If the ball lands foul past first or third base the ball is foul regardless of where it rolls. If the ball lands foul before first/third base and rolls fair before first/third base, the ball is fair. If the ball lands foul before first/third base and rolls foul past first/third base, the ball is foul. If the ball is touched while it is in foul territory before reaching first or third base it is considered foul and vise versa if it is touched in fair territory. Otherwise whether it is fair or foul is determined by where the ball stops. ** if the ball hits any part of 1st or 3rd base it is a fair ball

If a ball is hit between first and home and hits fair territory first then is fielded in foul territory before passing first base and before touching the ground is the ball considered fair or foul?

foul. the only time you can field a foul ball is if you catch it in the air.

Is the ball fair or foul if it is a line drive and you are in fair territory but reach in foul territory to catch it and touch the ball?

Once the ball is past first or third base, the ONLY consideration is where the BALL is located -- fair or foul -- when it FIRST comes in contact with either the ground or a player. If the player is almost entirely in fair territory when he first grabs the ball, but the glove that touches the ball is in foul territory, then it's a foul ball. "If the ball touches a fielder in-flight, the judgment is made at where the ball was when it was touched, NOT from where it may land after a miss, or drop of the ball, by a fielder. The position of the fielder is irrelevant."

Is it a dead ball When the ball comes off the bat and hits the plate?

No, the ball is not dead and the batter may attempt to hit it.

In softball can you run on a foul?

In both baseball and softball all lines are considered to be fair territory. If a batted ball hits the line on the fly, but then rolls into foul territory, it is still considered a fair ball. This rule only applies to a ball hit past either the first or third base bag. A ball that hits the line, or inside the line, before reaching the first or third base bag is a foul ball.

A batter hits a fly ball and it lands on the right field foul line is it fair or foul?

The foul line is considered part of fair territory. It would be a fair ball.