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Yes it is as long as it never touches the ground on your side. Yes it is as long as it never touches the ground on your side. Yes it is as long as it never touches the ground on your side. Yes it is as long as it never touches the ground on your side. Yes it is as long as it never touches the ground on your side. Yes it is as long as it never touches the ground on your side.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Yes it is out, unless it comes down on your side of the court then you still have the opportunity to get the ball under control and get it back on the other teams side. But you must also remember you can only touch the ball 3 times to get it back on the other side.

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14y ago

it is in. any part of the body can be used

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14y ago

yes it is out, because it hit the net. it doesn't matter if it goes over or not.

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14y ago

In USA vollyball rules the ball is fair and can be played.

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12y ago

if we are talking about volleyball... then yes it would be "out" more often considered other teams point

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12y ago

Yes as long as no person touches the net as well it's good

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Q: In a rally if the birdie hits the net and goes over is it out?
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In badminton what happens if a player touches the net during a rally?

In badminton if the shuttle hits the net on service and falls to the ground it is considered dead. If the Shuttlecock hits the net but continues to the opponents side it is still live and in play.

What happens when a serve hits the net in the way over?

the rally ends and the opposite team gets a point

What happens when you get a foul in badminton?

There are three types of fouls in badminton:1. Service fouls- The racquet head (the round part with the strings) must be below your waist when serving- The path of the racquet must swing upwards- The path of the birdie must be going upwards until it reaches the net2. Contact fouls- If the birdie is coming your direction and it hits you on your head, arm, leg, shirt- You can only touch the birdie when you are serving, but when the birdie is in play, only your racquet can touch it- When the birdie is in play, you only have once chance to get the birdie over the net, if you hit it two times, it is a foul3. Net fouls- You and your racquet are not allowed to go over the net when the birdie is in play- You and your racquet are not allowed to touch the net when the birdie is in play

What is the ruling when a batter hits a ball that hits the fence and goes over?

It is a Home Run.

What happens if the volleyball goes over but hits the floor?

The team that hit the ball over will get a point.

In Tennis What Happens If The Ball hits the net during play?

If the ball hits the net and goes over during a serve, it is called a let and is not counted as a fault. If it doesn't go over it is counted as a fault. In play, if the ball touches the net but goes over it is counted and a point is given to the player who hit it; if a ball hits the net but it doesn't make it over, a point is given to the receiving player.

How do you play badminton properly?

Playing badminton follows the same rules as tennis, except that instead of a tennis ball, you use a birdie (which moves much more slowly) and instead of a tennis racket you use a badminton racket (which is pretty much the same thing). You have to hit the birdie so that it goes over the net, but not out of bounds. Simple.

What are the basic rules serving in badminton?

The goal is to hit the shuttle, or the 'birdie,' over the net and land on other side of the net. If a person hits it into the net or off the court they will lose that rally. You can hit the shuttle only once before it goes over the net. When serving, one cannot serve like in tennis, it must be below your waist when you hit the shuttle.

How do you use rally in a sentence?

"Rally" can mean a formed group or (sports/ driving/whatever) race."There was a rally of soldiers at the bottom of the hill. The new rally was about to attack the castle.""There was a huge rally of laughter when the spoilt princess tripped and fell down. The village folk were rolling all over the place laughing!"

If a baseball hits the top of the outfield wall and goes over is it considered a home run?


What happens when the ball is served in volleyball and hits the net but makes it over?

The ball is still technically in. According to the rules of volleyball, if it hits the net and goes over, it is still in.

In golf what does hitting a ball into a hole one stroke over par mean?

a birdie