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Q: In tug of war one team is slowly giving way to other what work is being done and by whom?
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the process must be done SLOWLY. . .

What are some examples of and an adverb?

Quickly, suddenly, slowly. . .something that describes the way in which a verb is being done.

Is slowly a verb or adverb?

"Slowly" is an adverb. It is used to describe how an action is being done, usually indicating a gradual or unhurried manner.

What is the difference between slowly and slow?

"Slowly" is an adverb that describes how an action is being done, while "slow" is an adjective that describes the speed of something. For example, "The car moved slowly" uses the adverb "slowly" to describe how the car moved, while "The car is slow" uses the adjective "slow" to describe the speed of the car.

Why is slowly an adverb?

The word slowly is an adverb, and so is "slow" when used to mean done in a slow fashion. As an adjective, slow applies to something slow-moving; so modifying an action verb uses slow with an -LY sufffix. Examples: Go slow = Go slowly (proceed in a slow manner) A slow turtle = it moves slowly

What is camera slow pan?

Pan is when a video camera is moved in azimuth (horizontally). It can be done slowly or quickly. Done slowly it is called slow pan.

Is the word slowly a verb or a noun?

"Slowly" is an adverb, not a verb or a noun. It is used to describe how an action is done, such as moving slowly or speaking slowly.

What does giving knuckles mean?

Giving knuckles is like giving a high five, except knuckles are done with closed fists, one person lightly butting the fingers, from the first knuckle joint to the second, of another other person.

What is the adverb for slowly?

The adverb for slowly is "slowly." It describes the action of an activity done at a slow pace.

How can someone do the same amount of work as someone else but still be less powerful than the other person?

Power is all about how quickly you are able to transfer energy. Work done can be done slowly or quickly!

What is unconditional order?

If you describe something as unconditional, you mean that the person doing or giving it does not require anything to be done by other people in exchange.