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The only piece that can jump over other pieces is the knight (the horse). It might also be helpful to review the rules on castling as the king appears to jump its own rook (castle) in this move.

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Knights, also called horses

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Q: In chess what is the only piece is able to jump over other pieces?
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Can your king kill other pieces in chess?

Yes, your king is able to capture other pieces only if they are unprotected by your opponent.

In chess a knight can jump over opponents pieces but can it jump over more than one at a time?

The Knight technically does not 'jump' but it appears to be able to 'jump' over pieces of its own color as well as pieces of its opponent's color. The other pieces of the same color cannot jump over each other. Neither can the other pieces jump over an opponent's piece.

Can you jump your own piece with a king in a game of checkers?

Only the knights are able to jump over another chess piece. The king can only move one square at a time.

What three conditions are necessary to turn check to checkmate?

In chess, in order for a check to be a checkmate, there are three specific conditions: 1) The king must not be able to move out of check. 2) The attacking piece must not be capture-able. 3) No pieces must be able to block the check.

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When playing chess, you can move any piece you chose - within the rules. Obviously, any piece you move has to be able to make a legal move. Also, if you are in check, your next move must bring you out of check. This means your choice of next moves and which pieces to move is severly restricted. You can also never move a piece in such a way that it puts your king in check.

Can a player in chess put themself in checkmate by move a piece that in front of king exposing his king to other players piece?

Only if the piece won't be able to attack him then. Example: moving in front of a bishop is okay. Moving in front of a pawn is okay. Moving in front of a knight is okay. King, rook, or queen? No ma'am/sir.

Is the queen taller in chess?

It depends on how you see it. In one sense, the king is bigger because the game ends once the king is checkmated, while the game continues even after the queen is captured! However, from the point of view of controlling squares, the queen is an extremely strong piece, due to the wide variety of allowed moves that it has! At an even deeper level, the answer to your question also depends on the phase of the game, and the dynamics of that particular game!

What music is used in 'Broken Fall' by Russell Maliphant?

It is a mixture of several pieces, among those the slow piano piece of "State of Contraction". This piece is originally just a bit longer than a minute. In the ballet it is taken up by the strings and repeated and variated several times. I have not been able to find out the other pieces.

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How many of the sixteen chess pieces are you able to move on your first move?

You may move any of the eight pawns or any one of the two knights ; ten out of sixteen chessmen .

How do you reclaim a chess piece?

The only way to recover a piece that was taken is to advance your pawn from its start point to the end of the board on the opposite side (where your opponent starts). Once your pawn reaches the last row, you are able to trade your pawn for another piece, such as a queen or bishop.

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You can cut off as many pieces as you want. Once you decide that, you'll be able to figure out how long each piece should be.