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When a throw is made to a base where there is no force out, the throw has to be catchable to avoid the runner taking more bases on an overthrow or an error. So a throw must be placed some distance above the ground for the position player to make a play on the ball. This gives the base runner the opportunity to slide under the throw and touch the base with either his hand or foot.

So I guess in short a slide is intended to get under the throw.

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Q: In baseball a base runner can usually get to a base quicker by running than by sliding explain why this is so why slid then?
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What call used for sliding?

In baseball, a player is considered to be sliding when they run towards a base and drop to the ground in order to avoid being tagged out. Sliding is used as a technique to reach a base safely and is commonly seen when a player is running to a base that is being defended by an opposing player with the ball.

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It's called sliding or slipping.

Motion used in basketball?

Running. Jumping. Sliding. Walking.

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Yes, sliding friction creates more thermal energy and wears down the two surfaces quicker than rolling friction.

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In baseball, when a player is running the bases, if he or she is touching any base (usually with a foot, although a person sliding into base might use a hand instead) that player safe, meaning, he or she cannot be tagged out, and will not be out if the baseball is caught and thrown to the catcher. He or she can remain at the base, and can continue running the next time the baseball is hit, by the next player who is up.

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You wear sliding shorts under athletic appearal for sports such as baseball or softball mostly without underwear but it's optional

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Tropomyosin is the thinner of the two sliding proteins in a muscle cell, running along the actin filaments and blocking the binding sites for myosin.

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Some of the most common baseball and softball injuries include rotator cuff injuries, elbow injuries such as Tommy John surgery, and injuries to the hamstrings and knees due to running and sliding. Additionally, ankle sprains and muscle strains are also common in both sports.

How does friction apply to running?

It slows your speed down every time your feet touch the ground.

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The seven locomotors of gymnastics is running,walking,skipping,trotting,flipping,sliding,and hopping(jumping).