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It could be both. Go to the doctor.

It could very well be from bc. BC works by tricking the body into thinking it is already pregnant, that's how my doctor explained it years ago. Therefore, you can may symptoms of pregnancy while on bc, but it you miss your period take a test or see doctor.

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Q: If your nipples are sore could that be from the pill or is that a sign of pregnancy?
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Why are your nipples swolen?

it could be a sign of pregnancy or just tig ol bittys

Is itchy nipples sign of pregnancy?

Yes! it is a good sign! and its also normal in the pregnancy.

Why do you have sore nipples and on your period?

Yes it can be or a sign your soap is irritating your nipples or bra is rubbing against your nipples, etc.

Is it a sign of pregnancy if your nipples are soft?


What about constantly hard and mildly sore nipples rather than sore or enlarged breasts combined with a late period could that be a sign of pregnancy?

Yes this could be pregnancy related. Perform a HPT.

You are expecting your period in a week and your nipples have become darker and you have been nauseous for 3 days is this a sign of PMS or pregnancy?

This could be a sign of pms or pregnancy. The only way to be sure is take a test!

Could you be pregnant if you spotted for six days after a pap smear then had a two-day period with sore nipples during and after?

Spotting after a pap smear is not a sign of pregnancy. Signs of pregnancy are an absent period and positive pregnancy test. Sore nipples are a common symptom of both menstruation and pregnancy.

Your nipples are sore to the touch which is not normal for you could you be pregnant?

This is a sign of early pregnancy. A missed period is the best way to know though

Are tinging nipples a sign of pregnancy or pms or what?

Could be either. Just wait it out and see whether you get your period. If you don't, take a test

You have sore of nipples with colourless liquid bleed is sign of pregnancy?

it may be a sign of pregnancy or it may not be .... you can't be sure until you've taken a pregnancy test!

Is Pain in nipples are the sign of pregnancy?

Yes , when your nipples get sensative or painful it can either mean your pregant or your period is about to start .

Are sore and swollen nipples just a sign of PMS?

That can be sign of pregnancy or PMS. All women are different.