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It's a strike. But if it happens when the batter has two strikes, it's an out, though I'm not sure whether they call it a strike-out or a fly-ball out.

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Q: If there is less than two strikes in a baseball game and the hitter tips the ball into the catcher's glove is it a strike or an out?
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What does a baseball player say when he strikes out?

That wasn't a strike!!!

What is the number third called strikes in baseball for the record?

The third strike in baseball is called a K.

In baseball how many fouls equal a strike?

One foul ball equals one strike unless it is the third strike.

How many strikes in strike out?

3 strikes

Why does the batter get three strikes in baseball?

probably a random number.. 3 strikes is more than enough

How many balls and strikes in a full count?

In baseball, this is when the batter has a 'count' of three balls and two strikes. It is called a full count because the batter cannot get another ball or strike without the at bat ending ... one more ball will cause a base on balls (walk) and one more strike will be a strikeout.

A foul ball is considered a?

A foul ball in a two strike count is nothing it count as a strike for the pitcher count but the count will stay the same and no out. In the case of a one strike count or a zero strike count, the fould ball is counted as a strike and the count will be a 1 strike difference. EX: 0 strikes turn into 1 strike 1 strike turn into 2 strikes 2 strikes stay at 2 strikes

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When is a foul ball not a strike or ball?

When there are already 2 strikes on the batter.

If Big Ben takes 5 seconds to strike 6 o'clock how many seconds will it take to strike 12 o'clock?

6 strikes (for 6 o'clock) are 5 intervals (the strike itself can be assumed to be almost instantaneous); so after the first strike, you have one strike per second. That makes 11 strikes for 12 o'clock.6 strikes (for 6 o'clock) are 5 intervals (the strike itself can be assumed to be almost instantaneous); so after the first strike, you have one strike per second. That makes 11 strikes for 12 o'clock.6 strikes (for 6 o'clock) are 5 intervals (the strike itself can be assumed to be almost instantaneous); so after the first strike, you have one strike per second. That makes 11 strikes for 12 o'clock.6 strikes (for 6 o'clock) are 5 intervals (the strike itself can be assumed to be almost instantaneous); so after the first strike, you have one strike per second. That makes 11 strikes for 12 o'clock.

How many strikes happened in 1919?

The rash of strikes during 1919 were mainly due to the aftermath of World War I, and problems with labor and union power struggles. The Great Steel Strike was the most widely-spread strike. Other strikes in 1919 were the Seattle General Strike, Barcelona Revolutionary Strike, Dutch Steel Workers Strike, and the General Steel Strike in France.

Can a softball player get a strike if the ball is hit into false territory?

A foul can count as a strike if there is not two strikes. I f your fist pitch is a foul, that's strike one. If you get a strike first and then foul, that's strike two. Or if you gettwo fouls in a row with no strikes, that's strike one and two. If you have two strikes (no matter how you got them) you cannot strike out on a foul. So if you do foul in that situation, it does not count as anything and your pitch count remains the same.