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Q: How was Wimbledon during world war1 and 2?
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Who were allied in world war 1 and against what nations?

it depends on wich world war1 OR 2

Was wORLD WAR1 wrser than world war2?

world war 2 was more of a world war. It was fought on more fronts and included more countries.

When did the world war1 end?

It ended on November 11th the day where we have 1 or 2 minutes silence

What is the rise of fascism in Germany between world war1 and world war 2 often associated with?

Hatred and anti Semitism

What new political ideology did several European nations adopt in the years between world war1 and world war 2?


Why is world war 2 more famous than world war1?

Because of the horrible attrocities that were being carried out by the evil that was the Axis-powers.

How were the two world wars related?

the 2 wars (world war1 and world war2 are related because there was a lot of dist ruction and many people died

How was the end of World War 2 different the World War1?

World War 2 ended with an Nuclear bomb and put a free government in charge of Germany (they split the territories) hope it helps =)

Which war was longer world war1 or world war2?

World war 2 was longer only by a couple months ww1 lasted almost 6 but ww2 was 6 years 4 months

Was World War 2 the first war to use weapons?

world war 2 was the first war to use weapons because world war1 wasn't a really hard war to battle as world war 2 was a really hard one to battle against over people and countries

How do you get to Wimbledon?

Answer 1: You can go to the Wimbledon district by car, Bus, Truck or if you are in distance you can get to it also by plane.Answer 2: If you want to go to Wimbledon championship you can buy or can already reserve tickets and can go to watchthe match.Answer 3: you cannot get to the Wimbledon championship match as a tennis player. They select the player according to the world ranking..Answer 4: Practice, practice, practice...