

How to cut a long pole in lacrosse?

Updated: 10/20/2022
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13y ago

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I think you can just go to a homedepot or do it center and they can probably get it to you perfectly even

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Q: How to cut a long pole in lacrosse?
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Duck tape another pole(cut however long you want it) onto the end.

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Can a lacrosse defensive shaft be shorter than 6 feet?

Yes, in men's lacrosse only two of the defensive shafts are long pole

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10 oz for a short pole, 20 oz for a long pole... has the weights of their shafts on the webpage

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A long pole in Lacrosse is a defence pole.

What is the weight of an average lacrosse defensive pole?

It depends on what d-pole it is.

In lacrosse what type of plaers use longer sticks?

defense men or in some cases there can be a long pole midfield

Is lacrosse involves catching a ball in a net at the end of a long stick?

yes, and if you have a defensive pole it is even longer.

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they played Lacrosse,hoop and pole game,and,cup and pin game :)

In lacrosse is the goalkeeper counted as one of the four people that have a long stick?

No the fourth person they are referring to is a LSM or Long Stick Midfield so a long pole that can run on either side of the field

How much does a warrior krypto pro lacrosse pole weigh?

4 pounds

What size lacrosse stick is good for a 75 pounder?

Regular sized lacrosse stick, cut it down.