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Packing for a race? Well if that's your question then the most essential thing you need is water and a snack. You need to hydrate yourself throughout the race and keep a small snack in handy to munch on so that your body does not break down. Remember starving yourself before a race will make you perform worse because your body does not have any energy. Also, since most races end pretty late, you should bring sweats and a jacket to keep your legs and body warm. Also a blanket to lay on during the day is cool too, o and also an iPod to keep you pumped up. Yea that's pretty much it...

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13y ago

Basically, RUN. Running is great for the heart and it brings strength to all parts of your body, including your brain. Even if you aren't training for a field event, it is a great way to get in shape and get strong overall. Also, if you plan to run a track event, being able to run miles and miles more provides you with endurance, which comes before speed. Many athletes like to supplement their training with ab workouts for conditioning, they lift, and they attend for strength and balance. Specifically, if you are a thrower, lifting is a given. Before the season, it is important to pack on the miles and prepare yourself. Once the season starts, your coach will give you track workouts to cut times down and get even faster.

It may seem as if running comes naturally to some people. It's all in the training though.

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