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For one, not too many people know that caffeine, which is found in coffee, tea, chocolate, mate, etc. is a natural insectiside the plants produce. Insects become paralized when they consume the caffeine which is in those plants.

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Q: How plants have chemical defenses and physical defenses?
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What are three defense systems plants have?

Plants have physical defenses such as thorns and trichomes, chemical defenses like toxins and repellents, and also inducible defenses that are activated in response to herbivore attack.

Are chemicals from plants physical or chemical weathering?

Is chemicals from plants chemical weathering or physical weathering

What defenses can organisms have?

Organisms can have physical defenses like camouflage or spines, chemical defenses like toxins or bad taste, behavioral defenses like hiding or fleeing, and immune defenses like antibodies or white blood cells to fight off pathogens.

What are some physical defenses of plants against animals?

Cacti have their spines that keep animals from resting and eating their fruit

What are two examples of chemical plant defenses?

Production of toxic compounds such as alkaloids or terpenoids that deter herbivores. Emitting volatile organic compounds to attract predators of herbivores to help protect the plant.

Does photosynthesis involve a physical or chemical change?

Photosynthesis involves a chemical change.

How can an ocean plant protect them selves from predators?

Ocean plants can protect themselves from predators through physical defenses like hard shells or spines on their leaves or stems. They can also use chemical defenses by producing toxins or compounds that deter herbivores from feeding on them. Some plants may also have camouflage techniques to blend in with their surroundings and avoid detection by predators.

What defenses do plants have?

many minds

Plants using CO2 and H2O to form O2 and sugar is a physical or chemical?

It is a chemical changechemical change

Is plants using carbon dioxide and water to form oxygen and sugar a chemical or physical change?

Physical changes

When carbon dioxide in air converts to more complex molecules by plants during photosynthesis is that a physical change?

No, the process of carbon dioxide being converted into more complex molecules by plants during photosynthesis is a chemical change, not a physical change. Chemical changes involve the formation of new substances with different chemical properties, whereas physical changes only affect the physical state of a substance without altering its chemical composition.

Is fertilizer chemical or physical reaction?

Fertilizer typically involves a chemical reaction when applied to soil. The components in the fertilizer interact with the soil and plants to provide essential nutrients for growth. Physical processes such as dissolving and diffusion also play a role in the uptake of nutrients by plants.