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There is no restriction on age; players are selcted on skill.

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Q: How old must you be to start playing soccer for a national team?
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Related questions

What talents are necessary to become a professional soccer player?

I'd say being pretty good at playing soccer is a must!

Is it a must to Wear shin guards while playing soccer with adults?

Not in the slightest

What must happen to a ball at the start of a soccer game?

it has to be kicked forward

How old do you have to be to be a soccer player?

Kids can start playing soccer at 3-4 years old, learning the basic skills of kicking, not using hands, and shooting for the goal. You can be any age to be a soccer player. You must be 16 to sign a professional contract, but youth teams start often from 8 years old.

What is the least amount of players to start a soccer game?

11 players must start the game for each team.

What can you do if it is wet and you are playing soccer?

u must choose the boots with the correct studs so you want slip.

How do you get fitt and not get puffed out for soccer?

You must start conditioning. Running is the best way, but dont over do it.

How does someone who should be playing professional soccer get noticed?

The first thing this person must do is contact a sports agent. These can be found in the local phone book. The agent's can vary in prices, and depending on your financial leeway, you will be arranged a tryout with various soccer organizations. Remember, playing soccer for any organization is better than not playing at all. Good luck.

Must the length exceed the width on a soccer field?

A soccer field must be longer than it is wide.

Does soccer have requirements?

Yes, you must where shin pads, stockings over them and studded shoes when playing soccer. Also, most referees expect to see respect in which the players tuck in their shirt.

What is the minimum numbers of players in soccer?

In a regulation match, a team must have 7 players in order to start a game.

To become a pro soccer player you must develop what?

you must develop high soccer skill and knowledge about soccer.