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A traditional bullfight usually consists of three matadors each killing two bulls for a total of six animals. Each takes about 20 minutes so the total length of a bullfight is about 2 hours.

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Q: How much time passes from the beginning of the bullfight and the death of the bull?
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What is a bullfight star?

The matador, the torero who kills the bull, is the star of the bullfight.

What is the bull known as in a bullfight?

In Spanish, bull = toro.

How do you know when a bullfight is over?

The bullfight is over when the final bull (6th) is killed.

What is the heavest bull in a bullfight?

The minimum weight for a bull in a regular bullfight is 1000 pounds but a mature bull can weigh 1600 pounds or more. I have not seen any record weight for a fighting bull.

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he died in a bullfight accedent......the bull stabed him in his thigh and he died before a doctor could get to him.....he bleed to death

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There are many important participants in a bullfight but the main ones are the matador and the bull. Without either of these there could be no bullfight.

Who are the men who in a bullfight ride padded horses and prod the bull with a lance to weaken it?

A picador is one of the pair of horsemen in a Spanish bullfight that jab the bull with a lance.

Who is more likely to get hurt the bull or bullfighter?

The bull is almost guaranteed to die in the bullfight.

What does corrido de toros mean?

Bull fighting :)

What signals the beginning of each stage of the bullfight?

I have no idea. Wait. Let me look. According to a trumpet is sounded to signal the stages of the bull fight. Hope this was helpful.

When is bullfighting over?

A bullfight is over when the last (6th) bull is dead.

Who throws the spears at the bull in bullfighting?

Nobody 'throws spears' at the bull during a typical Spanish style bullfight.