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You drink water to flush the system. Red Bull wil polute the system if anything.

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Q: How much red bulls do you have to drink to flush your system?
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About 18-30 dYe depending on how much liquids and detoxes you drink. I suggest you go to GNC and buy a system flush for like $20 and all you do it's drink it and it will clear your system

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It depends on your level of body fat, how much water you drink, and how often you urinate.

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Water will help flush any narcotic pain med out of your system. When my hubby knows he has a drug test coming, he will drink about two 2-liter bottles of water as fast as possible, and of course urinate a lot, and eat a lot of vitamin C. The test gets passed.

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i believe it is about 8 quarts to flush and fill the system. i believe it is about 8 quarts to flush and fill the system.

Will colone cleansing pill help clean weed out your urine?

Marijuana once taken in is spread all through out your system including blood stream. It is best to drink much water or take water pills which will cause you to dehydrate and drink water to flush you entire system out.

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1,000,000,000 euros

How much water should a 290 lb woman drink a day to flush out her system?

drink half you body weight in ounces of water. if your 290lbs (as i am) you thend rink 145 ounces of water a day for a week and youll be flushed. meanwhile eat healthy while doing this