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Q: How much faster or slower was the nome run than the fastest average speed in the modern iditarod race?
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How much faster or slower was the Nome run than the fastest average speed in the modern iditarod?


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The Centennial Race, along portions of the Iditarod Trail, was the brainchild of Dorothy G. Page, who wanted to sponsor a sled dog race to honor mushers. With the support of Joe Redington, Sr. (named the 'Father of the Iditarod' by one of the local newspapers), the first race (then known as the Iditarod Trail Seppala Memorial Race in honor of Leonhard Seppala) was held in 1967 and covered 25 miles (40 km) near Anchorage.

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802.11n is the fastest and the most modern, g and n are similar but n has a much bigger range resulting in a faster speed in most areas. if your looking for a router id go with Lynksys (made by cisco) ive had a netgear and a d-link all of the drop the connection often, the lynksys has been going strong for at least 3 months now

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