

How much do NFL get paid an hour?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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14y ago

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NFL players generally do not have an hourly wage, but according to each individual contracts will usually make a specific sum for each game. The contract specifications are different for each player, and some will also make extra bonuses due to performance (i.e. Super Bowl MVP, league MVP, Pro Bowl appearances, etc...).

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13y ago
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14y ago

NFL players do not get an hourly wage. They get a yearly contract.

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13y ago

Last I heard it was around $74.99 not including the special "kicker" balls and etc. Your looking at almost $1,000 in footballs in one game.

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14y ago

It really depends on the salary of the player. Some players make very little and have to have a part time job just to keep up on bills. Other players make a ton of money.

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