Tiger Woods married Elin Nordegren on October 5, 2004.
From 2008 to 2009 he made $110 million and is the highest paid athlete in the world. However, his endorsement money represents 95% of his income. In 2008, he made over $100 million, but only $5 million of that came from PGA Tour earnings.
Here are his PGA earnings since his marriage:
2004: $5,365,472
2005: $10,628, 024
2006: $9,941,563
2007: $10,867,052
2008: $5,775,000
2009: $10,508,163
Total PGA earnings since marriage: $53,085,274
Adding in about $90 to $100 million in endorsement earnings each year, he has made around $600 million since marrying Elin. It should be noted this is a very broad calculation.
No his wife forgave him!
There is nothing official, but apparently they are getting a divorce.
Elin Nordegren, it is rumored that she has filed for divorce.
No. She filed for divorce in 2006 but they then reconciled. They are still married.
Elin Nordegren. but she is currently filing for a divorce with Tiger after his cheating
Tiger Woods is currently married, His wife is Elin Maria Pernilla Nordegren Woods.
tiger woods
Tiger Woods paid his wife close to $100,000,000. He is also to pay Elin child support.
gold digging
Yes, Tiger Woods married to Elin Nordegren in 2004
about twice as much as it will be when his wife finds out he has been receiving as well as giving